Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Finding Faulkner: The Progeny | Nelson Townsend Houston Sr {Gen 4}

It started, as good quests always do, with a family tale.

Nelson Townsend Houston Sr (Nelson Houston, Sarah, James, William) was born in Cornwall, Orange Co, New York, August 3rd 1849, to parents Nelson Houston and Sarah Townsend.

Nelson married (1) Katherine A Hines (1852-UNK) February 23rd 1871 in Washington DC. Nelson married (2) Mary Teresa Bowers (1870-UNK)  May 10th 1900 in Manhattan, New York.

Nelson and Katherine had at least two children: born San Francisco, CA

  • Nelson Townsend Houston Jr b. 6 Sep 1875 d. 1944 never married
  • Christine R Houston b. 25 Jul 1877 d. 31 May 1948 m. Walter D Braddock

Another difficult family group. Nelson was a Lieutenant in the US Navy. A lifer. He enlisted on July 28th 1865 and had served in the Spanish-American War, seeing combat in Mariel, Cuba 5 July 1898. Born in Cornwall, New York, married in Washington DC, Nelson and his new wife Katherine headed to California and settled near San Francisco. He was listed as Lt USN on the 1880 census.

It is unclear where Nelson and family resided between 1880 and 1900. By 1900 Nelson was back in New York City, marrying for the second time on May 10th 1900. Daughter Christine is also in NYC at this time, marrying on Staten Island November 19th 1900.

There are no further records to be found (at this time) for Katherine Hines Houston. Were Nelson and Katherine divorced? Did Katherine die? If so, where?

I do not know if Nelson and his second wife Mary had any children. She was 21 years his junior, it is quite possible the couple had children together. That said, Nelson's will lists only Mary as the heir to his estate. No mention of children. By either wife.

Nelson Townsend Houston Sr died March 11th 1913 and is buried in the Friends Cemetery in Cornwall, Orange Co, New York. The FAG memorial has his death date incorrect, however the tombstone is correct.

No further information has been found on the whereabouts of Mary Teresa Bowers Houston.

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