"The only thing we have to fear is fear itself" ~F.D.R.
I am not an early adopter. I would suspect that many in the genealogy community are not early adopters. "If it ain't broke, don't fix it" is generally my motto and rule to live by. If I had been my ancestor I would have missed the boat.
Yesterday, faced with the inevitable, that Ancestry was once-and-for-all retiring the Old Version of their legendary online family tree program in less than three days; I sat down to get as much done as super-humanly possible within the Old Version that I was so comfortable and at home with. I locked myself in the Cave and told my husband not to expect me any time soon.
He was on his own.
I laid out my imaginary rope to the real world and I set in for some serious spelunking.
Hours passed, my husband finally tugged on my guideline and wanted to know if there were any plans for dinner. I grunted something incoherent and went back to the splendor of the Cave.
Later a glass of wine showed up at my side.
I was being lured out.
I glanced at the clock at the bottom of my computer monitor and saw that it was well past 8pm (Wine O'Clock had begun without me!). Resigned, I scribbled some notes and vowed to pick up the insanity in the morning.
There was still so much to do - and scant days left in my 'comfort zone' to do it.
After a fitful night's sleep worrying about all the ancestors I still needed to clean-up and straighten out* I had an Epiphany. Why not TRY the New Version? Why not compare the ancestor profiles side by side - Old v. New. I knew what I needed to do in the Old Version and where & how to do it - so I pulled up an ancestor whose profile needed sorting and, noting what I needed to do, switched to the New Version to look at the same ancestor.
Well. Well. Well.
Now isn't that easy? Really? I was scared of this?
I LIKE the New Ancestry.
I like it quite well.
Feels like I might have a little (green) egg on my face.
*sidenote: I confess I had a terrible, horrible case of clickitis early in my addiction and have been avoiding that embarassing area on my tree ever since I came to my senses. I knew I'd have to face it one day, but that day never came ..... until about a month ago when, not being an early adopter, that day did in fact come. Not being one for accepting change willingly and all .....