Monday, August 8, 2016

Finding Faulkner: Epilogue

It started, as good quests always do, with a family tale.


Done and done.

Wrote the Proof Argument.

Well, never done, really ..... anyone who's ever been bitten by this genealogy bug knows that the search is never over, the story, our story, neverending. 

I succeeded in journeying back to 1700's New York and 'meeting' my 5th great grandfather. Still a man of mystery. So many questions still remain. Why did he leave Scotland? Why the Colony of New York? How did he get here? He was part of the New York Militia as early as 1738. He owned a substantial parcel of land. Scots were known as fighters ...... soldiers were often paid in land .... so many questions! (And the BIG one - where in Scotland is the Faulkner homeland?)

The Faulkner roots are deep in the founding of New York, and the United States. Farmers, soldiers, militia men, politicians, church builders, pioneers. They were well liked, honest, hard workers, trustworthy. Quietly, they got the job done. 

By my count, this original Faulkner immigrant is the progenitor of over 800 descendants! From one couple in the early 1700's we now have a far reaching lineage that spans over 250 years. Those of us with this Faulkner blood are in all corners of the United States. And go by many names.

I hope you have enjoyed the recanting of my saga as much as I have enjoyed sharing it. Family history, exciting stuff!

I plan to continue this study researching the progeny, exploring the will in more detail, introducing you to Samuel's brothers and getting to know the wives who married these Faulkner men. 

The Quest continues ....

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