Sunday, March 27, 2016

Five Photos ~ Five Weekends: #5 Waiting For The Doughboy

The writing on the back of this photo says: 

"Garfield Park. Chicago Ill
Doughboy Monument
Memorial Ceremonies 2d Vets
May - 28 - 1933"

It is in a handwriting I do not recognize. I don't even recognize any of the people. It was in a box of photos that came from my dad.

I was curious about the ceremony and went to the Chicago Tribune archives to read the newspaper from May 28, 1933. It just happened to be opening weekend for the 1933-34 Chicago World's Fair - A Century of Progress. There was no mention of a memorial ceremony that day. I check the day before and the day after. Nothing.

Memorial Day was still observed on May 30 in 1933 which made this photo even more curious.

Were they just getting some good seats? 

Guess I'll never really know .......

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