Somehow, much of my grandmother's hand written and (badly) typed notes and research wound up in my possession. Traveling from Chicago to Los Angeles and back to Chicago again. It sat, in the dark of my mother's closet, until my dad passed and my mom decided to begin her great purge. Knowing I had picked up the torch, the next generation to pursue the Greatest Hobby on Earth, the papers came to live with me. Unsure for many years on just what to do with them, I have decided to bring them out and share them with you - transcribed, of course - no one can read my grandmother's handwriting! But in her own words; mistakes, rambling sentences, and all. I think she will be pleased her work and her writing are once again out in the light.
Rowley Family Story con't ....
More on assorted Rowleys ~ bio, obituary
Mrs R C Rowley died in Brooks, Iowa, December 10th 1890 at the age of 72 years, 8 months, 24 days. Mother Rowley had been an invalid for many years, but always bore her sufferings with Christian fortitude and uncomplainingly. The last few days of her life she seemed entirely free from pain, complaining only of being "so tired" and died as if falling asleep. Her last words were "come, Jesus, come". A loving wife and mother, and a faithful Christian, she has gone to her glorious reward.
Rhoda A was born in Terre Haute, Indiana, March 4th 1818; was married to Rev R C Rowley at Green Castle, Indiana September 29, 1840, moving to Illinois in 1848; and to Brooks, Iowa, in 1876, where she died. To these parents were born five children, two sons and three daughters; three only now survive to mourn the loss of mother and truest friend.
Mrs Rowley had been a great sufferer for many years. Often during this time had her life been despaired of by physicians and friends, but heroic courage combined with Christian submission to the will of the Master, served to pilot her through these years of suffering until the final summons came.
Children -

Mrs Rowley had been a great sufferer for many years. Often during this time had her life been despaired of by physicians and friends, but heroic courage combined with Christian submission to the will of the Master, served to pilot her through these years of suffering until the final summons came.
Children -
- Flora Dell Rowley (Twining)
- Anna Elizabeth Rowley (Wilcox) June 26, 1845 - ? (194-)
- Marcellus Melville Rowley Feb 12th 1842 - Jan 1810 *
*Married Drucilla Criss August 22nd 1862 (8 children) In August 1862 he enlisted in 83d Ill. Vol. Inf. as a member of Co. A. The following spring he was sent home on furlough on account of sickness and remained at home until the fore part of June, when he again reported to his company for duty. In Aug he was again taken sick and sent to the hospital and in the fall of 1863 was discharged from from the services on account of disability. He was a faithful member of the Presbyterian church and always took an active part in both Sunday school and Church work.
She passed away after three week's illness of pneumonia, at the home of her daughter, Mrs Potwin, in Des Moines, Tuesday, December 13, 1932, at 9:20 pm at the age of 75 years, 1 month, 1 day. Mrs Twining was the youngest child of a family of six. Her life was one long period of service. For years she looked after her invalid mother. Later she cared for Mr Twining's father and mother during the last years of their lives. She also cared for Father Rowley until his death in 1912.
Mrs J L Twining dies 12/13/32.
Flora Dell Rowley was born in Peoria, Illinois, Nov 12, 1857, the daughter of a pioneer Presbyterian minster, Rev R C Rowley and his wife, Rhoda Ann. She spent all of her girlhood in Illinois, moving to Brooks, Iowa, when she was 18 years of age. She was married to Jesse L Twining on October 25, 1876, Mr and Mrs Twining making their home in Corning, Iowa, for fifty years. To this union were born four children; three daughters, Mrs I A Potwin of Des Moines, Iowa, with whom she has made her home for the past six years, Mrs E E Williams, deceased, and Mrs J E Hydeman of Piqua, Ohio, and one son, M C Twining of Des Moines. She is also survived by her husband, J L Twining, Des Moines, one sister, Mrs A E Wilcox, of Kansas City, nine grandchildren; also five great grandchildren; two nieces and three nephew.
Mrs Twining has often remarked that she had belonged to the Presbyterian church so long that she could not remember when she joined, going with her father as a very small child and sitting in a big chair in the pulpit beside him. Blessed with a wonderful mind she was always very active ans especially interested in young people. Mrs Twining was very active during middle life in church and club work, being blessed with a beautiful voice and musical talent, she took an active part in church music. A happy bright disposition endeared her to all who knew and loved her.
©2017 Anne Faulkner -, All Rights Reserved.
©1950-82 Elizabeth Twining Potwin Thomas - private collection
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