Wednesday, March 9, 2016

30 x 30 Challenge: Week One Update

At first it seemed like I wasn't getting much accomplished. After all, what can you really get done in 30 minutes? A lot, it turns out!

I had a bit of a set back over the weekend, as I decided to try to actually track down some documents. Which, of course, is NOT the point of this challenge.

I blew almost a whole Saturday looking in vain for my grandmother's marriage records.

I had to play catch-up Sunday and Monday to get back on track.

I've learned my lesson.

Today I have 10 ancestors 'written up'. I have noted what I have, what I may have (looking will be later), and what I still need to find.

Turns out I need a lot more that I originally realized.

But, that was the point of this challenge, so a definite move in the correct direction! I am starting to feel more organized. More clear headed about my next steps.

I'll check in later this week with another update ........


  1. Anne,

    I want to let you know that your blog is listed in today's Fab Finds post at

    Have a great weekend!
